Sunday, April 10, 2016

Part 1: Chapter Five

    To celebrate his victory, Holden decided to reward himself with a treat from his favorite restaurant. After a hearty meal at McDonald's, he returned to his dormitory at the MME.

    Wow that was a tasty McChicken, he thought. I’ve never had a McChicken that good.
    Just then, the wall to the left of Holden exploded, and Dlanor crawled out of the opening.

    “Holden Secretbees, I have come to challenge you to an MME duel,” said Dlanor.

    “No way, Jose. I totes killed you a while ago.”

    “Well, now I’m back, and we’re going to fight!”

    “Seriously?” moaned Holden, but before he could continue moaning he was interrupted by the sound of a very stupid voice.

    “Do you smell what I’m cooking, Mr. Toilet?” asked the voice.

    “Wow, where is that horrendous sound coming from?” asked Holden.

    “It sounds like it’s coming from the girl’s bathroom,” replied Dlanor.

    “Let’s go check it out then, bro.”

    The duo ran to the girl’s bathroom and Holden used his girl scanner to check and see if there were any girls inside. When the scanner indicated that there were no females in the potty, Dlanor and Holden entered.

    “Oh gross,” said Holden.

    “I’m going to be sick,” said Dlanor, turning green.

    Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson was sitting on the floor drinking the water out of the toilet.

    “The Rock, what are you doing, you sick illegitimate child?” asked Holden.

    “The Rock does not have to answer you because The Rock is a movie star,” said the Rock.

    “Why are you drinking toilet water in the girl’s bathroom?” asked Dlanor.

    Before he could answer, Holden used avada kedavra on The Rock, who fell to the floor.

    “Holden, what the hay?” asked Dlanor.

    Before Holden could reply, the ground started to tremble. Just then, a hole in the floor opened up. The boys decided to go into the hole, because nothing bad ever happens to people who go into mysterious holes.
     They traveled down the stairs for five days and five nights, surviving off of the water from the moist walls and the innards of spiders they found. When the pair reached the bottom, Holden killed Dlanor with a quick throat punch.

    “That’s for killing my father, you sick monkey boy,” said Holden.

    After Holden had completely hidden the corpse, he moved on to explore the area, which appeared to be a bunker. Imagine a big round room with nothing in it, but then add a lot of military stuff like guns and flags and computers and guns. Also, tons of dead cyborg alien people.

    “What in the name of Calpurnia’s pancakes is going on down here?” asked Holden with a grimace.


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