Thursday, June 23, 2016

Part 3: Chapter Five-point-five

     Thunder crackled, popped, and snapped as Holden flew his ship into the atmosphere of Planet Kamino! Rain pounded against the hull, and Dlanor cried like a baby.

     "Shut your mouth, Dlanor!" yelled Captain Holden. "Aft mass, at ye yonder port, plunder, booty, Tortuga!"

     The crew pulled the ship into the docking bay of a large, scientific looking building. Holden and his brother stepped off their ship.

     "What are we doing here?" asked Holdution.

     "Oh, nothing. Hahahahahahahaha!" laughed Holden.

     "What are you laughing about?" asked Holdution.

     "Hahahahahahahahaha, Douchey. You're hilarious," said Holden. "Now, come on. I made us an appointment with the head scientist slash doctor slash engineer slash chef slash head chef. He's going to help us with, something. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA  HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA  AHAHAHA!" laughed Holden.

     "Why are you laughing?" asked Holdution.

     "A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road," said Holden.

     "What are you, BEEP, talking about?!" asked Holdution.

     "Avhadar kadhabran!" yelled Holden as purple light erupted from his wand. Holdution was instantly knocked out. "Works like a charm!" said Holden. "Because it is a charm!"

     "I see I have taught you well," said the voice of Coach Grumblesnore.

     "Actually, you didn't teach me anything. I walked into the MME, you said get ready for your first match, then it turned out that my first match was against you, and then I killed you."

     "See? I taught you how to be a lying, deceitful, cheating winner," said Grumblesnore.

     "Oh yeah!" said Holden. "Thanks! Now, can you help me out here?"

     "Of course! Let's bring him to the operating room."

     Together, Holden and Coach Grumblesnore carried Holdution into the operation room and placed him on the table.

     "So what have you been up to since I killed you at the MME tournament?"    

     "Not too much," said Grumblesnore. "I've still been hitting the gym. I'm recording a new rap album and I've gotten ordained recently. So, if you or your friends ever need some people married, just give me a call."
     "I'll keep that in mind," said Holden.

     "Now let's get down to the brass tacks. You mentioned a surgery, but you were very vague, and you laughed after you said surgery."

     "Oh yes, the surgery. HAHAHAHAHAHHAhahhahaaaahahahhaHAHAHHAHAHAhahahahahahHAHhahah," laughed Holden.

     "Yes, the surgery," said Grumblesnore.

     "So, pretty much, we're going to," but then Holden talked just quite enough that you, the reader, couldn't hear him.

     "Okay," said Grumblesnore, getting to work.

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