Sunday, April 24, 2016

Part 2: Chapter Six

     So there he was. Doctor What, in the 1920s, alone. He wandered the streets without a purpose, not sure what to do or where to find the aliens. In the hustle and bustle of a metropolitan 1920s city, one could easily get caught up in the melody of the jazz music that never stopped playing. The effects of the Harlem Renaissance could be seen everywhere.

     "I better investigate and get the dirt on these undesirables, or rag-a-muffins, as they said in the 1920s," said Holden, who had majored in 1920s slang and culture in elementary school.

     Doctor What decided to go to a local juice joint to learn about the goings on in the 1920s. He walked around until he found a building he deduced to be a juice joint. However, before he could enter, a man he deduced to be a Mafia member stopped him. Holden had also minored in deduction.

     "Hey, Ravioli," said the Mafia man, referring to Holden.

     "Where do you think you're going?"

     "Just to have the hair of a dog and see some tomatoes," explained Doctor What.

     "Aren't you a little young for a shot of alcohol and women?"

     "Um..." stammered Doctor What. "No."

      "Okay, sounds good, but let's stop beating our gums. Let me check my list to see if it's jake for you to come on in."

     "I'm sure you'll find that it's cool, I mean, jake," said Doctor What.

     "What's your name, sir?"

     "Hold--I mean, Doctor What. Yes, that's right," he said, laughing.

     "That's funny, I don't see your name on the list," said the Mafia man. "Why don't you get a wiggle outta here?"

     "That's funny, I don't see you living much longer," said Holden as he power kicked the Mafia man in the face. His head exploded and green liquid started to flow from his neck stump.

     "Most curious," said Holden as he tasted the blood, which was completely splattered on his clothes. "Most curious indeed."

     It was alien blood. Holden had discovered the alien base.

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