Thursday, June 23, 2016

Part 2: Chapter Four-point-five

     When Holden awoke from his death plunge, he discovered he was lying on the floor of a cave. A doom cave.

     "This must be Doom Mountain," he concluded.

     "It is... beep bop boop beep," said Dlanor.

     "Dlanor, you're alive!" shouted Holden.

     "Yes, I am alive, and I caught you when you were falling. Beep. Boop," said Dlanor. "Why were you falling?"

     "Oh, I was just YOLO-ing," Holden explained.

     "You shouldn't do that so much. You know you only live once," said Dlanor. "Beep."

     Holden started to get up, and farted. Suddenly he was propelled towards the ceiling of the cave.

     "Whoa! The blood of The Rock must have given me flying powers!" Holden said, flying around the room giggling like an anime school girl.

     "Holden, boop, can you come down here so we can, um, talk," laughed Dlanor maliciously.

     "Okay, I'll be right down," said Holden. "Wait?" he said, realizing that he didn't know how to get down. Frantically, he began twisting and convulsing his body, trying to lower himself. Then, he suddenly smashed into a stalactite. The pointy rock fell to the ground, landing directly on Dlanor, splitting him down the middle.

     "Shoot," said Holden, finally figuring out how to descend. He flew to Dlanor's carcass.

     To Holden's surprise, there wasn't any blood around Dlanor's dead body. Instead, there was a large oil spill. Realizing what was going on, Holden grabbed the skin on Dlanor's face and pulled it back to reveal Mercution's lifeless face.

     "Dang," said Holden. "I was hoping that had actually been Dlanor. Now that kill doesn't count towards my score." He sat down and stared at the ground, a tear rolling down his face. Then, he notice something. A small golden ring with an inscription carved into it.

     "The Schwanz," Holden read aloud, picking up the ring. "That doesn't sound like a Future American made product!" He angrily threw the ring into a pool of lava and used his new powers to fly away, leaving Doom Mountain erupting behind him.

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