Thursday, June 23, 2016

Part 2: Chapter Six-point-five

     A lot has happened since Chapter Six ended. Three years actually. Doctor Holden What has dedicated his life to infiltrating the alien base. His first step was kidnapping an alien and torturing him. Just for fun, of course. Then he killed and skinned the creature to create an alien costume. Nobody suspected a thing.

It was Christmas Day, 1924. The air was cold and snowy, but Holden had no time for celebrating. It was time for business.

     Holden had been invited to the Super-Sized Alien Supreme's annual Christmas party. Alien Supreme only invited the most respected alien generals to his party, and it took Holden three years to move up through the alien ranks to get where he was.

     He walked up to the same juice joint he had went to three years ago. This time, he got in with a handshake.

     "Great to see you here, Dolhen," said General Blarfg.

     "Yes, it is I, Dolhen," said Holden, who had adopted Dolhen as his alien name. "I love this Earth holiday."

     "Me too," said the general. "Let us shake hands, as it is the Earth custom."

     "Okay, comrade," said Dolhen as he held out his hand. There hands met, but after the shake the general didn't let go. "General, I believe it is Earth custom to let go of the hand."

     "Sorry, I'm just admiring your watch," said the general. "It's so advanced."

     "Um, yeah. I, uh, got it, um... uh... ummmmmm... the store," Holden replied.

     "Well, how about I take a look at it," said the general as he moved it closer to his three eyes. "Robo-Watch 5000," he read. "Made in Kansas, 2003."

     The general's smile turned upside down; a frown. He pulled a knife from his back pocket and cut off Holden's right hand.

     "Oi, my hand!" yelled Holden. "Do we have a beef here? I oughtta sock you right in the kisser!"

     Just then, Blarfg grabbed Holden's face and pulled off the alien skin.
     "Holden Secretbees, I should have--" but the general didn't het a chance to finish, as Holden used his flight powers to propel himself through the general's stomach, killing him instantly.

     "Looks like I have a bulge here!" shouted Holden.

     A crowd had gathered, and people started yelling and pulling out switchblades, revolvers, and tommy guns. Holden flew to his dismembered hand and pulled off the watch.

     "Robo-Watch, attack sequence delta!" he yelled to the watch, which instantly transformed into a small robot humanoid and started shooting the surrounding aliens. "I best be blowing," said Holden, clenching his bloody hand stump.

     Holden flew out of the alien fort and back to the TURDIS. All he could think about was how he had wasted three years of his life infiltrating the alien ranks, and all he had to show for it was a missing hand.

     He got to the TURDIS and set the time for the exact day that he got the news that his mother had appendix cancer. He was going to find his father and kill him before another version of himself could kill him and send his head into the alien spaceship!

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